Hello People,
Here’s an interesting fact, I am human. I have emotions and they fluctuate from time to time. More often than not, I have a grip on them, something most of us do, because, too much of anything is poison, but sometimes, I find myself at an extreme. This happens gradually though, something they call normal. (I hear when they flip like a switch, they call it a disorder, they even christen it Bi-polar and then go ahead and ignore it, as if its “normal” – Humans!! sigh)
These emotions make us human. They are as versatile as human beings really, with a spectrum as large as our variations. What’s more, they are pretty much subjective, meaning, how A expresses emotion 1 is not how B expresses the same emotion. Interesting Huh!
Another spanner in the works, emotions because of how interesting and varying and versatile they are are affected by all manner of things. From one’s thoughts to their environment (Think broader….see how environment has everything covered), to interaction with get this: ANYTHING, including the television, radio, your thoughts, your heart, another person’s heart, hail, even another person’s emotions.
For this reason, i call emotions volatile. They are like a bunch of beings running around looking for somewhere to belong. Emotions have been so abstract and absurd to us, their bearers that we have even ventured into what we are now calling Emotional Intelligence and Emotion Science in an attempt to understand them. We are so attached to our emotions that we went as far as creating the emoji: a small digital image or icon used to express an idea, emotion, etc., in electronic communication.
Thing is, in as much as emotions are these tiny little creatures with impact that’s so big it’s known and unknown, they really are what make us human. As such, they are just as simple and as complex as we are. My intention with this is to find a way of managing emotions. Trying to understand how emotions work. To do this, I picked on emotional intelligence.
Exploring emotional intelligence
So, exactly what is emotional intelligence? It’s the ability to recognise and understand your own emotions as well as others.
We’ll discuss this from a business perspective.
In business, research by Gallup found a link between customer satisfaction and future business success. The research centers around a buyer’s emotional connection with the salesperson, reason being, customers who like their sales rep are 12 times more likely to purchase.
Emotional intelligence is comprised of five key elements:
- Self-awareness,
- motivation,
- empathy,
- social skills, and
- self-regulation.
This combination of traits helps individuals control their own emotions while relating to people to establish a bond.
For instance, a customer care representative with social skills is mindful of the language he/she uses with customers. He/she avoids offensive and condescending phrases. Instead, the representative uses positive wording and an understanding tone to solve the customer’s problem.
Emotional awareness is necessary to understand how to serve customers better as it refines how your communicate with them, taking into account their habits and lifestyles. Emotional intelligence means thinking differently about how your brand interacts with buyers. And that often translates into putting bias aside and focusing on the customer.
PeopleMetrics reported that “instead of telling the customer how he/she should feel or what he/she should buy – which often leads to customer resentment – the emotionally intelligent customer service representative finds the best product or service for his/her needs”.
So how do we do this Emotional intelligence business??
Training for emotional intelligence
While some skills may appear innate, it’s imperative that you train yourself on every aspect of emotional intelligence. It will prepare them to go above and beyond for your customers. That means you better the skills and knowledge hence you learn how to manage your expectations.
To learn how to manage your own emotions using one simple technique, take a break when you’re frustrated. That takes super amounts of resilience and hoards of practise, but it works.
Practicing emotional intelligence can and will positively affect your life. Bring emotional intelligence into your workforce. Change the way you do business. Build your brand.
Everything in life takes practise.
I have gotten to a point where I walk away from anger and I calm myself down to a point of being able to rationally deal with whatever aggravated me in the first place. Join me, won’t you?
Let’s work towards a better you.