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  What is friendship? What is friendship to you? A true friend is often described or viewed as a person who one can always count on in the face of challenges and serious problems. This description comes so naturally that

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Daring Greatly

I’ve been procrastinating on writing. The idea that I could be over sharing or pouring out parts of me that seem too vulnerable and feel like I’m setting myself up for pain keeps haunting me. I constantly feel the need

Coffee Date

Coffee Date

Fantasy , life , Random Jun 10, 2019

I used to want you so bad, now I want so much more than you that I’m not sure I even want you anymore. Even if I did want you, I’m sure I wouldn’t want what you were, not as

The Confessions of An Attention Whore:On Trials and Temptations

This piece comes from a place of love and from empathy. I write it because I feel like I have so many words and they are gagging me, stuck at my throat and adamant at getting out…   My soundboard

The Confessions of An Attention Whore: Sacrifice for you? Why?

“I belong deeply to myself.”― Warsan Shire The first time I read Warsan Shire’s “Excuses For Why We Failed At Love”, I read it from a defensive stance. I was mad at quite a number of things, humans included. More so, 

The Confessions Of An Attention Whore: Of Sailed Ships

Muse: My Chocolate Doughnut ..if you know ,you know 😉 I’d stick my teeth into your awesome chocolatey goodness every damn day… Might I add, she is looking like a 5 course gourmet meal today, heck she looks like this

The Confessions Of An Attention Whore: Neutral is Negative

  (These were taken on my phone at Coffee Casa)             This is another one of those. I have been battling with publishing this post. It has been seated as a draft for close to

The Confessions of An Attention Whore: On Dreams Unachieved and Steps Untaken

                I wrote this post on the 15th of November 2017. I did not publish it. Publishing it felt like I was admitting to failure and much as I’d like to think I

The Confessions Of An Attention Whore: On Trust

“Do you trust me?” he asked, half expecting that this was a rhetorical question and half holding his breath as he really didn’t know what answer to expect. This is one of those questions I answered so easily. Come to think

The Confessions Of An Attention Whore: On Body Image and Self Worth

You have one body… All your life! You have one body… All your Life! I cannot say this enough!! You have one body…Just one. Your entire life! You are the one you are stuck with, your entire life!! For the