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I have lost it! Focus that is… I have lost it and I am beginning to think I have never had it. This is a post on hard life lessons on finding this lost trait. I am one of those

So the other day I walk into Java House to grab a bite. I was very happy to find a lounge seat… God knows part of the motivation to go to Java (And other Java-like restaurants) is the Coffee House

I have been going through a rough patch. Not a patch really, patches are small. A really hard time. It’s the human experience really. Every once in a while, just for control, you have to hit rock bottom. When nothing

We all have experienced different things in our lives. These experiences, good or bad shape our reactions, behaviours and interactions with those around us. My reaction to this yellow ribbon story is just one of those experiences. Sweets (my mummy)

Ola, We have already established that I am an erratic writer. One who needs to step up and stop being so afraid of sharing myself with the world. I am sorry. I truly am. I shall endeavour to change. It’s