I have quite a number of younger friends. Friends who are five years younger or more. I love them dearly. They always seem so fresh and unharmed. They’re like my special delicate orchids. No matter how much I would want
I used to want you so bad, now I want so much more than you that I’m not sure I even want you anymore. Even if I did want you, I’m sure I wouldn’t want what you were, not as
This piece comes from a place of love and from empathy. I write it because I feel like I have so many words and they are gagging me, stuck at my throat and adamant at getting out… My soundboard
I wrote this post on the 15th of November 2017. I did not publish it. Publishing it felt like I was admitting to failure and much as I’d like to think I
You have one body… All your life! You have one body… All your Life! I cannot say this enough!! You have one body…Just one. Your entire life! You are the one you are stuck with, your entire life!! For the
I was not happy. I had not been happy for the longest time.I was the type of sad that dreaded life. I was growing into a bleak shadow of my self. My self drive was Kaput. I could not stand