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New Beginnings

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One More Time

Isn’t it weird that the last post I had up was about me committing to writing more and then I went AWOL? The funny story is I’ve been intending to write some more but I’ve been shy about it. And

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Daring Greatly

I’ve been procrastinating on writing. The idea that I could be over sharing or pouring out parts of me that seem too vulnerable and feel like I’m setting myself up for pain keeps haunting me. I constantly feel the need

Coffee Date

Coffee Date

Fantasy , life , Random Jun 10, 2019

I used to want you so bad, now I want so much more than you that I’m not sure I even want you anymore. Even if I did want you, I’m sure I wouldn’t want what you were, not as

The Confessions Of An Attention Whore: Of Sailed Ships

Muse: My Chocolate Doughnut ..if you know ,you know 😉 I’d stick my teeth into your awesome chocolatey goodness every damn day… Might I add, she is looking like a 5 course gourmet meal today, heck she looks like this

The Confessions Of An Attention Whore: On Trust

“Do you trust me?” he asked, half expecting that this was a rhetorical question and half holding his breath as he really didn’t know what answer to expect. This is one of those questions I answered so easily. Come to think

The Confessions Of An Attention Whore: On Body Image and Self Worth

You have one body… All your life! You have one body… All your Life! I cannot say this enough!! You have one body…Just one. Your entire life! You are the one you are stuck with, your entire life!! For the

The Confessions Of An Attention Whore: On Focus And Goals

I have lost it! Focus that is… I have lost it and I am beginning to think I have never had it. This is a post on hard life lessons on finding this lost trait. I am one of those

I’ve Got A Crush on you.

The unburnt is the identity of my Law class at Riara Law School. We are comprised of loud, opinionated, diverse, sassy human beings who’s age varies from approaching 30 to barely-in-my-20s. The Chronicles of the Unburnt are random stories on



Post Feb 05, 2017

Hello People, Here’s an interesting fact, I am human. I have emotions and they fluctuate from time to time. More often than not, I have a grip on them, something most of us do, because, too much of anything is

Let The Games Begin

Let The Games Begin

Intro Jan 23, 2017

Hello there….   I am Angela Kihara and I am nervous….there are huge butterflies dancing in my tummy as I write. My very first post, Yay!!! – wait.. are they still called that or have we developed a new, more